Tag: mole map

How the web saved my life

Well, OK, gross exaggeration, but not entirely untrue. I regularly receive those email offers from ‘daily deal’ web sites, where you get 24 hours to pick up a deal. I must confess some of these have been a bit dodgy. for example, what possessed me to buy a $65 video camera? Anyway, a few weeks ago there was an offer for a mole map and skin check, so I decided to take it up. Turned out I had a mole on my back that I couldn’t see that had to be urgently removed. The biopsy showed it wasn’t yet a melanoma, but had I not been inspired to have the skin check by my web-based daily deal it might have been a different story. Around the same time, I took up an offer to update my will. Luckily the two turned out not to be connected. Anyway, the purpose of this post is to encourage everyone to get regular skin checks. You never know, it might save your life.