AI Literacy Design Analyser

The AI Literacy Design Analyser is a web-based tool that provides an interactive feedback mechanism for assessing the coverage of AI literacy in course design. Based on statements from Level 1 of the AI Literacy Framework, it provides a series of statements about each of the six categories of the framework. The user can select the level of presence, based on a scale of 0-4, of each of these statements in a particular course design. The tool uses these responses to help evaluate the AI literacy content of the design and gives feedback as to how it might be improved. The tool can be used multiple times to help refine the design of a course.

The design of the analyser tool is relatively simple. Likert scale questions have been developed for each of the 24 literacy components in level 1 of the framework. Each input view of the tool presents the questions related to one of the 6 framework categories, with a 5-point slider for each response. At the end of the input process, the data is analysed and the results are presented in the following ways:

  • A radar chart showing the extent of AI literacy in the course design
  • The least-covered categories are identified
  • Suggestions are given as to how the design can be improved
  • Text and spreadsheet summary data can be downloaded

Here is an example of a summary chart

And here is some example feedback based on the data related to the chart above.