The Agile Hour
Dave Parsons and Mark Cranshaw
The Agile Hour is a game based workshop intended to explore the roles of different agile techniques within an agile method.
In the game, participants are divided into teams of 6-8 people. Teams design a human powered vehicle over three iterations using pre-prepared user stories. The use of various agile techniques is managed partly by the game and partly by player selection.
This page contains links to a number of resources that will enable you to use the game.
The game is completely free to reuse and modify as you wish. However we would appreciate it if you could send us any feedback you have from running it.
Short paper describing the activity from XP2008 | XP2008 workshop paper |
PowerPoint slides used to introduce and manage the activity | PowerPoint |
Story cards (Word document) | Story Cards |
Some background on methods and techniques that may be useful in an intro session | Method and technique intro |
Other links
Federico Gobbo’s blog on the XP2008 workshop
Paper on agile techniques and methods
Impact of Methods and Techniques on Outcomes from Agile Software Development
Projects, In: McMaster, T., Wastell, D. Ferneley, E. DeGross, J. (eds.)
Organisational Dynamics of Technology-Based Innovation: Diversifying the
Research Agenda, pp.235-252, Springer, New York (2007)
The Extreme Hour Wiki.
The XP Game
ThePlanning Game Wiki