Mobile Learning Activity Design Analyser

This tool will ask you to evaluate the design of your mobile learning activity by rating features of the design against 20 statements that relate to aspects of learning theory.

Please evaluate each statement using a 5 point slider that ranges from 0 (not at all) to 4 (this is the primary content).

After you have finished evaluating your design, the application will display a chart showing how various learning theories are currently operationalised into your design.

It will then provide you with some suggestions as to how you might further develop the design using ideas from some relevant learning theories.

Mobile Activity Analyser

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Rate your mobile activity (0=not at all, 4=This is the primary content)

To what extent does the activity involve outcomes that learners can observe and measure their progress against?

To what extent does the activity involve testing whether learning outcomes have been achieved?

To what extent does the activity involve giving feedback to learners on their progress so they can take corrective action where required?

To what extent does the activity involve positive reinforcement of learning?


Mobile Activity Analyser

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Rate your mobile activity (0 = not at all, 4 = This is the primary content)

To what extent does the activity involve sequencing of materials (e.g from simple to complex, known to unknown, knowledge to application)?

To what extent do learners have control of the learning process and make decisions on learning goals (guided discovery)?

To what extent do learners have time and opportunity for reflection to develop personal meaning and new knowledge?

To what extent does the activity involve active construction of knowledge by learners?


Mobile Activity Analyser

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Rate your mobile activity (0 = not at all, 4 = This is the primary content)

To what extent do learners cooperatively and collaboratively create knowledge with others?

To what extent does the activity involve collaborative technologies (e.g. social media, Web 2.0, communication tools)?

To what extent is the activity based around a cycle of experience and observation?

To what extent is the activity based around conceptualisation or experimentation?


Mobile Activity Analyser

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Rate your mobile activity (0=not at all, 4=This is the primary content)

To what extent does the learning activity involve an authentic context?

To what extent does the learning activity involve real-life application?

To what extent are the learners provided with coaching?

To what extent do the learners see expert performance or modelling?


Mobile Activity Analyser

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Rate your mobile activity (0=not at all, 4=This is the primary content)

To what extent does the activity involve shared learning?

To what extent does the activity involve social information exchange?

To what extent does the activity involve a unifying community of practice?

To what extent does the activity involve a diverse community of practice?


Mobile Activity Analyser

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Rate your mobile activity (0=not at all, 4=This is the primary content)

To what extent does the activity use transferable social media skills?

To what extent does the activity involve diverse information sources?

To what extent does the activity involve the creation of artefacts in learning networks?

To what extent does the activity involve the critical evaluation of artefacts in learning networks?


Your Mobile Learning Activity Design Feedback

This chart shows the relative coverage in your mobile learning activity design of 6 learning theories that can be useful in this type of design.
Below the chart you will find some feedback on how you might further develop your design.